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     In addition to being a habitat of flora and fauna, the forest is usually famous for being the abode of spirits. Indeed, mystical nuance can not be separated from the forest is identical with many tall trees, shrubs and moist, making the forest look dark and horrible.

The following five forests are known to be very haunted in the world because of the haunted ghosts. The story of ghosts is so popular and spreading that it adds to the mystical aura of the forest. Not only known haunted by the local community, the horrors of these forests are well known to the whole world. Here are the 5 most haunted forests inhabited by creepy ghosts

1. Aokigahara, the Suicide Forest in Japan

The Aokigahara Forest is well known as a suicide forest in Japan. Forest located at the foot of Mount Fuji has an area of ​​about 32 kilometers. Aokigahara is referred to as Sea of ​​Trees or Sea of ​​Trees with a lush landscape. But there are terrible events that occurred there, precisely since the 1950s, has been recorded there are 500 people who committed suicide there.

Most of those who commit suicide because of frustration can not solve the problem. This action became a tradition and this forest became one of the places to commit suicide. Usually the way used is by hanging yourself. Since the number of suicide cases there, the place is then popular with haunted forest. Especially with the sounds of crying that often sounded, the more elementary horror Aokigahara forest.

2. Black Forest (Black Forest), Germany

Black Forest or Black Forest is located in western Germany. The forest is overgrown with pine trees and pine growing bushy and towering that block out the sun. This is what makes this area called the black forest. This forest is popular inhabited by many ghosts because of the novelist brothers' stories, the Jakob brothers and Wilhelm Carl Grimm. They in his novel often tell of the Black Forest as a dwelling of mythological creatures such as witches, werewolves and dwarves.

3. Isla de las Munecas, Mexico

Isla de las Munecas became the most scary forest in Mexico. This forest is located on a small island located in the interior of Xochimilco, about 4 hours boat ride from Mexico City. In addition to the dark, the number of dangling and obsolete dolls makes the atmosphere so creepy. In fact, some dolls only have heads or hand pieces.

Historically, the island was occupied only by Don Julian Santana for 50 years who died in 2001. During his life, Don Julian Santana is always haunted by the ghost of a small child who was drowned in the island. So Don hung each doll into the trees in the forest to calm the ghost of a small child who continues to terrorize him. He gets the dolls by searching around the landfill and bartering, exchanging vegetables with dolls to anyone he meets. Until now the number of dolls in this forest there are thousands and is considered as the ghost and the watchman of the forest.

4. Wychwood Forest, England

Wychwood forest in England is also said to be the most haunted forest in the world. People who have ever explored the jungle have experienced terrible things like seeing a wagon carrying a mother and a crying child.

Then, there is also the tragic story of an Amy Robsart, the noble wife, Earl of Leicester, who was killed in this forest in a broken neck. The cause of his death is unknown to date.

5. Hoia-Baciu Woods, Romania

The forest of Hoia-Baciu Woods is a forest that grows Romania and is famous for its very haunted. Based on the story in circulation, this forest can eat people who enter into it. Local people believe that people who enter this forest will not be able to come back. Despite their successful return, they will certainly be attacked by a physical disease that can cause death.


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