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1. Pembrokeshire (Wales)

The shape of the houses in this area resembles a house in the movie The Hobbit LOTR. Built entirely from natural ingredients found around the residence. The walls of stone, mud and water enter the house due to gravity. The windows and pipes are taken from the trash.

2. Yukatan (Mexico)

In the middle of dense forests in the Yucatan seas, Mexico, unexpectedly, scattered thousands of mysterious "crystalline pools". According to a Reuters report, scientists from the United States have discovered the "crystal pool" recently, which also opened the real veil of the underground water world. This dense forest hides many of these "crystal pools", where the depth of one of these "crystal pools" can reach 160 meters deeper.
Thousands of "underground crystal pools" have formed a mysterious underground water world. The ancient Mayans once thought that there was an entrance to the underground. Local people continue to throw, that in the mysterious underground water world, there is a pile of bones, and gold that form like a mountain.

3. Wieliczka (Poland)

Poland stands above a salt mine that has operated for 800 years. The mine is currently open to tourists with a depth of 1000 feet. Please note, this mine had been used as an aircraft manufacturer during World War II.

4. Kapadokya (Turkey)

Turkey home of hundreds of homes comprising interlaced and shared rooms is an old system of an underground city over 2500 years old. The areas are separated by narrow corridors, the inhabitants begin the occupation on the surface and eventually move underground.

5. Xi'an (China)

China has now become famous with the discovery of the Mausoleum of Qinshihuang, the largest imperial tomb in Chinese history. This miracle was built within 38 years by 700,000 workers, and is famous for the terracotta army buried with the emperor.

6. Edinburgh (Scotland)

In addition to the famous myth, LOCHNESS Marine Monster, Scotland also has a long and strange history, one of the most bizarre is the discovery of a bridge buried underground. It is estimated, after the bridge was completed and followed by mysterious deaths, eventually this bridge is not used.

7. Abydos (Egypt)

The above pictures are found on the upper ceiling beam of an ancient Egyptian royal temple room, located in Abydos, a few hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza plateau. The objects in the drawing, viewed from the physical equipment are planes operated in the air-like layer on the earth's surface, not for the vacuum of space. Because it is used side wings and tail and vane. The Abydos Temple was built for the God of Osiris by the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Seti I (1306-1290 BC) and completed by his successor, Ramesses II.

8. Valdaro (Italy)

A pair of new stone age frames of men and women who hugged each other tightly dug in Italy. This pair of warmly hugging skeletons, shaking everyone who saw them. Archaeologists estimate that this pair of skeletons has been buried for about 5,000-6,000 years underground! Hug for 5,000 years is not only shook archaeologists, even the world community. To maintain this hug style, scientists have not yet decided to separate the skeletal pieces. "We will continue to maintain their attitude so far that is embraced each other," said archaeologist Irena Mannorti who found a pair of this framework. Once the skeleton is moved, the scientist will examine further on this pair of lovers embracing each other eternally. Furthermore, the framework will be stored in the Italian national museum.


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