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     Some people believe that in this universe there is another life form other than on earth, and the life form commonly called the Alien is often visited the earth. But that belief is very difficult to prove. Most evidence of UFO sightings is always easily broken as lies or misconceptions. Therefore here mbakbro will not discuss about sightings or photos / videos about aliens.
But what if the aliens accidentally left 'something' on earth? Or why did the inhabitants of the earth in the past create an artifact depicting aliens? Too many strange objects on this earth, whether man-made or man-made who make people always wonder, does the alien exist? Here is a list of 5 objects that are proof of the existence of aliens on earth version:

1. Fractional gears Vladivostok

roda gigi Vladivostok

A miner in Vladivostok, Russia, discovered a strange object like a shrink in a coal chunk. Although the object was at first glance it was not strange, but the worker became questionable and then gave it to the authorities. Scientists there state that the object was made of some kind of aluminum and man made.
The problem is, the carbon dating test that was later performed shows the object was made approximately 300 million years ago. In addition, it is not possible to be made of aluminum because pure aluminum can not form naturally, while human civilization can only form around 1825. Not to mention the fact that the object is found in the coal chunk even make it mysterious, because coal is formed from fossil plants And prehistoric animals that have hardened for millions of years.

2. Stone Enigmalith Williams

batu enigmalith Williams

Rock enigmalith Williams In 1998, a mountain climber named John J. Williams discovered a strange object stuck in a rock. After cleaning, it turns out there in the rock there is a shiny object that is similar to the power cord plugs. Since that time, the stone called Enigmalith has become the lips of the mystery lovers, has even been reviewed several times in many famous magazines.
To prove the authenticity of his stone findings, Williams later allowed the scientists to study the stone. And it turns out right, from the carbon dating test stated that the object that stuck in the stone has been around 100,000 years old. In addition, the study also proved that the object was not embedded or plugged into the stone, because after being tested carbon dating, it turns out the stone age was younger.

3. The ancient plane of the Incas

pesawat kuno suku Inca

The Incas are an ancient civilization with the remains of the most mysterious trinkets in the world. Among the most bizarre is a kind of ancient plane toys made of gold. What makes it mysterious is that this little toy is very similar to a modern jet plane. Initially the researchers assume that the shape of the toy is a picture of animals or insects in the past, but after then made the exact same model shape with lighter material, it turns out the model can fly with a stable.
This then led to speculation that the ancient Incan civilization that developed in the 13th century, had been in contact with someone or something that had access to modern technology. Because as we know, a plane with a perfect aerodynamic form was only discovered in the early 19th century by the Wright brothers.

4. Human lizard from Al Ubaid

manusia kadal dari Ubaid

Al Ubaid's archaeological site in Iraq is like a gold mine for archaeologists and historians. From the site it has unearthed many historic objects from the Ubaid period (5900-4000 BC). Among the historic objects there are some weird shaped statues. The little sculptures depict the shape of a human body with a face that resembles a lizard. There is a statue posing standing up with a stick-like weapon, some of which depict a woman breastfeeding.
Surprisingly again, stone statues with very similar shapes are also found in Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Egypt and Mexico. All of the statues are also from the Ubaid period and are now kept in the British Museum.

5. Mayan artifacts

artifak suku Maya

In 2012 the Mexican government announced the discovery of various Mayan artifacts that the government has kept for 80 years. These artifacts are found in a pyramid hidden under the city of Calakmul, one of the main sites of ancient Maya civilization (2000 BC-900 AD).
In one of the artifacts there is an inscription that clearly describes the shape of a UFO along with an astronaut picture in it. Until now the inscription is still researched by scientists. For a while we can only be curious while waiting for the official explanation, because according to mbakbro inscription is the most real picture compared with other findings.


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