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Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2017


SEJARAH MATARAM KUNO Sejarah Kerajaan Mataram Kuno , Dinasti Beserta Raja Nya a.  Berdirinya Kerajaan Mataram Kuno Pada abad ke-8 di pedalaman Jawa Tengah berdiri Kerajaan Mataram Hindu. Pendirinya adalah Raja Sanjaya. Munculnya Kerajaan Mataram diterangkan dalam Carita Parahyangan. Kisahnya adalah dahulu ada sebuah kerajaan di Jawa Barat bernama Galuh.  Rajanya bernama Sanna (Sena). Suatu ketika, ia diserang oleh saudaranya yang menghendaki takhta. Raja Sanna meninggal dalam peristiwa tersebut, sementara saudara perempuannya, Sannaha, bersama keluarga raja yang lainnya berhasil melarikan diri ke lereng Gunung Merapi.  Anak Sannaha, Sanjaya, di kemudian hari mendirikan Kerajaan Mataram dengan ibu kota Medang ri Poh Pitu. Tepatnya pada tahun 717 M. b.  Bukti-bukti sejarah  Kerajaan Mataram Kuno   Bukti lain mengenai keberadaan Kerajaan Mataram Hindu atau sering juga disebut  Mataram Ku...


8 THE WORST PLACE IN THE WORLD 1. Pembrokeshire (Wales) The shape of the houses in this area resembles a house in the movie The Hobbit LOTR. Built entirely from natural ingredients found around the residence. The walls of stone, mud and water enter the house due to gravity. The windows and pipes are taken from the trash. 2. Yukatan (Mexico) In the middle of dense forests in the Yucatan seas, Mexico, unexpectedly, scattered thousands of mysterious "crystalline pools". According to a Reuters report, scientists from the United States have discovered the "crystal pool" recently, which also opened the real veil of the underground water world. This dense forest hides many of these "crystal pools", where the depth of one of these "crystal pools" can reach 160 meters deeper. Thousands of "underground crystal pools" have formed a mysterious underground water world. The ancient Mayans once thought that there was an en...


THE OLDEST MAN ON EARTH Before Died, 256 Years Old Man Shares the Secret The oldest man on earth. The average man lives between 70-80 years. Suppose there are more than 100 years old, only a few people. Especially at this time, many people who do not care about the food consumed. Though food becomes an important factor, for human life. Many eating foods that are not good, will certainly increase a variety of diseases, which ultimately makes death approaching. But you know, if there are humans in this modern age who can live above 200 years? Who is he and where did he come from? Here's the review for you.  Is a man named Li Ching Yuen, who live up to the age of 256 years. According to the Times article in New York in 1930, Wu Chung-chieh, a professor from Chengdu University, found a Chinese government record. There were 1,827 congratulations to Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday, and further documents revealed there congratulations to him on...


FACTS ABOUT ALIEN      Some people believe that in this universe there is another life form other than on earth, and the life form commonly called the Alien is often visited the earth. But that belief is very difficult to prove. Most evidence of UFO sightings is always easily broken as lies or misconceptions. Therefore here mbakbro will not discuss about sightings or photos / videos about aliens. But what if the aliens accidentally left 'something' on earth? Or why did the inhabitants of the earth in the past create an artifact depicting aliens? Too many strange objects on this earth, whether man-made or man-made who make people always wonder, does the alien exist? Here is a list of 5 objects that are proof of the existence of aliens on earth version: 1. Fractional gears Vladivostok A miner in Vladivostok, Russia, discovered a strange object like a shrink in a coal chunk. Although the object was at first glance it was not strange, but the w...


5 THE MOST SCARY FORESTS IN THE WORLD      In addition to being a habitat of flora and fauna, the forest is usually famous for being the abode of spirits. Indeed, mystical nuance can not be separated from the forest is identical with many tall trees, shrubs and moist, making the forest look dark and horrible. The following five forests are known to be very haunted in the world because of the haunted ghosts. The story of ghosts is so popular and spreading that it adds to the mystical aura of the forest. Not only known haunted by the local community, the horrors of these forests are well known to the whole world. Here are the 5 most haunted forests inhabited by creepy ghosts 1. Aokigahara, the Suicide Forest in Japan The Aokigahara Forest is well known as a suicide forest in Japan. Forest located at the foot of Mount Fuji has an area of ​​about 32 kilometers. Aokigahara is referred to as Sea of ​​Trees or Sea of ​​Trees with a lush landscape. But there...


MYSTERY OF THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE      Actually, the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is incorrect if it is said to be a triangle, because the borders of the directions of the lost ships or aircraft already exceed those of the triangle. That triangle is just an imagination. When we take a map, we open it in Central America, where there are many islands of the West Indies. To find out what the shape of the Bermuda Triangle is, we draw a line from the city of Miami to the city of San Juan in Puerto Rico; From San Juan to the island of Bermuda; And returned to Miami in the Florida region of America. Although the Bermuda Triangle mystery is actually "property" of Americans, it's okay we participate discuss it. Actually this kind of place is also elsewhere, also in America, namely in a lake called Ontario, even more "terrible" than the Bermuda Triangle. From the conclusions, the needle of the compass and the equipment of the plane to be lost always gets interrup...